Earthquake Relief - Nepal Rebuild School Volunteer Project

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! We did it. We raised over $20K usd last year. 

Now let's do it again.

From the first round of fundraising we have made a huge impact in a region hit hard by the earthquakes last April. We have finished an entire school building and restroom. This allows classes to begin to move back inside from the temporary outside shelters they are currently using. And the new bathroom is a 'relief' as there are 3 girls toilets and a urinal for the boys. Until now the entire school was using 2 toilets (and nature of course).

In November the founders of The Away Inward Foundation along with a larger team of volunteers traveled to Nepal with a commitment to help rebuild. We had no idea just how large this project is. There are 4 large school buildings and 2 restrooms. There are over 500 students and they come from as far away as a 2 hour walk. They want to learn and we are going to make sure they have an environment and the opportunity to do so. 

This campaign is to raise funds to help rebuild the village school, create a garden for a school lunch program and introduce internet to the school. These kids generally eat breakfast at 830am and nothing more until 630pm. Unimaginable in our world, but you wouldn't know it by their everlasting joy and abundant energy. We have been promised a donation of computers if we can supply the access. This requires a tower in the hills above the school. Fingers crossed.

We are currently discussing sustainable options that will be more earthquake resistant. We have met with engineers, designers and NGO's working in the villages to see if we can find a way to rebuild in such a way that we can duplicate it with minimal effort. There are thousands of schools that have been reduced to piles of rock and dirt.

The inner joy of knowing that Nepali kids not only have a place to learn but know they have support and direction is our biggest reward. With your donation you can rest assured that you have actually changed the lives of those who would otherwise struggle. We allhave enough and our generosity what makes this possible. Your tax deductible donations will go through our US based 501c3 non-profit, The Away Inward Foundation. 

We also need wo/man power. We are looking for volunteers to help design the garden, prep and paint the buildings and just generally work hard. Join us in March! 

For more info, photos, updates, etc - The Away Inward Foundation

Or track our efforts on FB at 

Please donate : Our IndieGoGo campaign is ready for you!

Please take a moment to scroll through all of our Perks. We have volunteer positions available along with treks available. We can also manage any extra trips that you are interested in such as Bhutan and Tibet. These are amazing adventures and are now backed with the reality that you are part of a global effort to heal Nepal. Blessings!


Travel with purpose

While construction is already going on, we have two phases this year for volunteers. Being a volunteer is a life changing experience, one that will live in your heart forever. The people of Nepal are gracious and kind. They will welcome you into their home and treat you like a respected guest. Traveling as a tourist doesn't compare to living and working along side the locals for a good cause. Although the earthquake media hype is gone the people of Nepal are left in ruin and most are unable to rebuild. This tragedy has hit Nepal hard. Join us and show your support for the people of Nepal and return home filled with gratitude and a heart warmed by love. 


Phase 2: March 6-26 2016

Phase 3: October 3- 24 2016

Cost: $500 for two weeks plus we ask that each volunteer raise a $1000 that will be donated to the project. This encourages you to get your communities involved and spreads the word about this worthy cause. We can't do this without you. I hope that you join us. 

If you feel the calling to travel to Nepal and volunteer please email me directly at I am here to answer any and all questions and make your dream of volunteering come true!

Please donate, our IndieGoGo campaign is ready for you!