Solstice Blessings and 2016 Intention setting

At the years end we all take note. We naturally reflect on the past 12 months and begin to set intentions for the coming year. This ritual keeps us connected to the cyclical rhythm and ever changing flow of Life. 

Today, December 21st at 8:48 PM PST (which is where I am writing to you from), the sun appears to be still in the sky. This is a potent time to take pause, get still and linger patiently for a moment like the great sun. From that moment on the days will get longer with the return of the light. Is a very special moment in time, I suggest we all make the most of it. Read below for intention setting 101.

Much of life is a lesson in love. How we love and take care of ourselves reflects in our relationships with others and the world around us. I hear people asking the questions, "What do I truly want?" I have asked myself this as well. Yet, I believe what is more powerful right now in a world of abundance and great poverty is "what do I want... to give." Our spiritual path is not one of acquiring more...more advanced asana, more money, more love, more mental gymnastics, more healing, more recognition, etc. Our spiritual practice is ultimately about self-realization. "Who am I?" is the eternal question of the spiritual seeker. Once this is revealed we know exactly what we have to give. Here is a hint... Yourself. Your full humanly divine self. Your truth, voice, compassion, participation, service, friendship, presence. You being you. 

When you  know who you are, you know what you want, when you know what you want the next logical step is to give that to the world. Everything we give comes back to us in an endless cycle of reciprocity. It might not come in the same way we gave it but in a way that we need it. Trust yourself. Sit quietly today and listen. 

The world over is celebrating the solstice in the form of different religions that have syncretized the annual ritual of the sun diminishing to darkness only to rise again toward its fullest light. Let this be a reminder that even in the darkest moments of your soul the light will always return, always, and will bring with it great inspiration to shine brightly into the world. Open your heart and let love and light in. 

Love, Joy, Justice, and Peace for all

Sending you my love and good vibes for 2016

With you,


Nianna BrayComment