Soul Motion Foundations Day 5 - Temenos

It felt so good to cry, to unleash tears that have been stuck in my body since my accident. The context of trauma is unique for each of us and gives texture to lessons inherent therein. My body needed to release some of the tension I have been carrying sense my foot hit the sea floor and broke my bones. These past 5 days in Soul Motion Foundation training gave me an opportunity work through some stuff.

My right foot hovers off the ground, held in place by stainless steel pins and my weight is carried by four larger pins fixed to my shin bone. It's  miraculous really. Unsurprisingly, It hasn’t been easy for my body to fully relax and ground. Staying present with pain and working through trauma toward integration is our souls work. This morning in our session we showed up for each other and ourselves and did the good work of moving within and beyond our individual painful stories and into the present moment broken open, raw, wet-eyed, open-faced and available.

As soon as I arrived in the space and settled into my body, emotions poured through me as pain and joy, tears and laughter. In the dance opposites merge. It felt delicious to have a good cry before diving into our last dance together for which I was more available to the group. It isn’t too often that I have access to such a gifted teacher and facilitator. In service, Vinn, a true mystic crafted this singular moment so that I, and each of us, may continue to heal. I was completely held in the collective container we created together and was free to let it out, let it be. We need to take advantage of moments like this to process.

With each emotional heave of my body it was at once indulgent and cathartic. Yet the full experience for me is to continue and allow the dance to move through me, not stop and get caught in my head which can be easy to do. This morning I felt capable of releasing tears while embodying my emotions through movement. This can sometimes be hard to do because our emotional pain body can feel heavy and bound up and it feels safer to crawl inside instead of open up. I gave myself permission to feel it all, not hide or push it down, nor exaggerate or make unique, but simply allow it to shift and change as I attentively moved and breathed.

 Vinn so eloquently sent us off with the Soul Motion Invocation of Temenos. Temenos, a defined space or place cut off from the rest dedicated to the sacred. This is recognition of where we are currently positioned; who has come before us, who will come behind us, our teachers by whose grace we stand, the ones we humbly serve and the others who walk beside us in equidistance and convergence.  

The perimeter holds the center and the center holds the perimeter. Within the dance of Soul Motion ™ there is a clarifying and widening view that we cultivate as practitioners. One that suggests that we stay open and present to life, available to the rise and fall, breathing with the opening and closing. Unconfined by the studio environment, this is a dance that never ends. Even as the particles that make us appear as solid matter begin to decompose, the dance of creation and dissolution spirals on.

Meet us on the dance floor. Join the movement. Soul Motion

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