Helping others from the kindness of ones heart is a slightly strange proposition for people, especially when its coming from stranger from a different country. In the western world we enjoy feeling altruistic. The truth is we have so much, more then enough and we want to give. Well, some of us do. The Nepali people work hard. But they work first for their family, then village, then country. It seems like a good idea to me and yet I find myself helping strangers across the globe rebuild their school. The earthquake changed my retreat company's annual cultural immersion into a seva project. What else could we do? Nepal chose us...
Read MoreThe journey begins
Read MoreBeing empowered isn’t about having it all figured out its about stepping into our power and claiming our sacred place in the world.
With the New Year comes new inspiration and lots of opportunity to change our ways. When we are young we don’t realize the conditioning that traps us and move blindly in the world of fantasy and wishful thinking. As we get older we become more cynical that those changes will actually happen. We have seen far too many new years resolutions come and go and while the feeling of being stuck remains.
In yogic terms we call...
Read MoreI look forward to an amazing summer down under. I have a few events that you should know about, join in and if you feel inspired share with your community. As well, I am offering women's circles, health retreats and tantra yoga trainings and master classes. If you have a studio and would like to invite me. Please email for bookings. At your service and in service of Ma, Nianna xo
Here is what's cooking:
Read MoreYoga is a path toward self-realization, direct intimacy with Source energy, and when practiced can be experienced as total participation with life itself. Yoga can be felt on many levels, mental, physical, and spiritual. For that reason we have many different styles, teachings, practices, and approaches to the vast wisdom of Yoga.
Read MoreIndia touches the soul in places no other place can. It gets under my skin and turns me upside down. Each trip gets easier and easier but India has her way with me and I wouldn’t want it any other way. There is a certain magic that can only happen in such chao
Read MoreIt is already within you.
As a young woman, I was a true seeker. I searched high and low for the answers to life. In an attempt to find peace in a chaotic world and within my own mind I looked toward religion, teachers, gurus and the spirituality of Buddhism, yoga, Sufism and other mystic traditions. I devoured books and undertook spiritual disciplines to find the truth and freedom that I sought.
Read MoreThe ceremony
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